Thursday, 7 July 2016

Top 6 Forex Trading Strategies for Beginners

To be a successful forex trader, you will need to have different trading strategies that can be applied in different situations. One of the trading strategy you will need to have as a beginner is pricing. Even though profits and losses are mostly affected by indicators, price also affects them. Using pricing patterns will help you determine when to enter or exit a trade. There are some price patterns that usually repeat themselves due to repeated human behavior. If there is anything that hinders the view of the price itself during trades, it is detrimental to your trading.
Another strategy that will be of great benefit in forex trading is trend trading. Its basis is that price moves in a trend, either in an uptrend, downtrend, or a sideways trend. It is therefore important to watch out for the trends and take advantage of them when the price is in your favor. The problem with trend trading is that you will not have much to do when the price consolidates or stagnates. You will need to be highly looking after the trends that usually cover the actual price and only give its general direction.
You can also use breakout, demand and volume trading to maximize your profits. The basis of this strategy is that the price of trades usually bounces out of certain levels or breaks out of a consolidation period. You will therefore need to take advantage of the periods when the price is favorable to you when making the trades. You will need to understand the demand, supply, volume as well as what causes the price levels to fluctuate as well as the indications when the bounce or breakout is about to happen. You also need to understand which direction the bounce or breakout will go to.
Diverge trading is another strategy you can use in the forex trading market. It is based on the fact that movement of oscillating indicators does not follow the real price movement. There are times when the price can make higher peaks while the indicators are recording lower peaks. Even though these might seem like inconsistencies, they might be good trade signals. You will need to understand the indicators since they are the ones that will help you determine whether to enter or exit a trade.
Another trading strategy that you can use it basket trading which relies on the tradable relations between currency pairs. Even though the correlations may not be 100 percent consistent, when certain pairs move in a particular direction, the associated pairs will generally follow the trend. You will need to know how to see multiple charts at the same time when using this strategy and then make your decisions basing on multiple inputs. You will need to know how to trade a single currency or multiple currencies simultaneously.

Last but not least, there is the combo trading strategy. Here, you can combine anything that you find to be working. The only problem is that you may suffer from information overload as well as analysis paralysis due to different signals you will be getting from different trading methods.

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